Category: Communication, Literacy & Oracy

Oracy needs the same focus and attention as literacy and numeracy

Although we hear the word ‘literacy’ a great deal in education, we hear rather less about ‘oracy’. Oracy is defined by Oxford Dictionaries as ‘the ability to express oneself fluently and grammatically in speech’ — in other words, oral communication skills. Spoken communication is… Continue Reading “Oracy needs the same focus and attention as literacy and numeracy”

School libraries change children’s lives and need generous funding

Despite overwhelming evidence of the benefits of good library access — more reading for enjoyment, better attitudes to learning, higher attainment — school library provision is extremely uneven across the country, with schools in areas of highest deprivation having the worst provision. Most shocking… Continue Reading “School libraries change children’s lives and need generous funding”

Focusing on communication skills is a matter of social justice

Too many children struggle to communicate well. The reality for lots of children in their early years is speech delay, limited vocabulary and reading poverty. The results are depressingly predictable: poor progress in school and in their wider learning, and blighted life prospects. Teaching… Continue Reading “Focusing on communication skills is a matter of social justice”

Award-winning school scheme shows life-based learning in practice

A year ago the Guardian newspaper reported on a primary school in Essex that won a national dementia award for an “innovative intergenerational project”. The project is indeed an outstanding example of innovative learning. The project involves older adults who are experiencing isolation, depression… Continue Reading “Award-winning school scheme shows life-based learning in practice”

Let’s not squander young children’s natural love of reading

Many of us doubtless have fond memories of hiding a torch under the bed covers at night — blankets rather than duvets, for those of a certain age. Off went the bedroom light as we pretended to settle down to sleep; after all, it… Continue Reading “Let’s not squander young children’s natural love of reading”

Harnessing the curriculum to fully nurture children’s ability to communicate

Effective communication is much more than being able to read and write well. We urgently need an approach to learning that recognises the role that all curriculum subjects can play in developing children’s communication skills. The National Curriculum in England for 5- to 11-year-old… Continue Reading “Harnessing the curriculum to fully nurture children’s ability to communicate”

What is our response to the damaging effects of social networking?

The Social Dilemma docu-drama, available on Netflix, is a must-watch for parents and teachers — and a wake-up call for us all. The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American “documentary-drama hybrid” which explores the rise of social media and the phenomenon of social networking.… Continue Reading “What is our response to the damaging effects of social networking?”

It’s important for children to learn about non-verbal communication

The ability to communicate non-verbally is a key ingredient in strong relationships. It makes sense, therefore, that — from a young age — children should be learning all about what is involved in communicating effectively with others, non-verbally as well as verbally. Non-verbal communication… Continue Reading “It’s important for children to learn about non-verbal communication”

Fern Britton’s brilliant interview with Linford Christie

Teachers need to learn from Fern Britton’s excellent use of para- and body language in her recently shown BBC TV interview with Linford Christie. I was as much taken by Fern Britton’s interview technique as I was fascinated by Linford Christie’s personality and achievements.… Continue Reading “Fern Britton’s brilliant interview with Linford Christie”

Why should KS1&2 music be taught with a communication focus?

The UK government’s National Curriculum subject of music for 5- to 11-year-old children is in desperate need of a boost as an educationally overlooked, but highly social, vehicle of communication between people.    Music is a ubiquitous communication tool permeating society 24/7 through radio,… Continue Reading “Why should KS1&2 music be taught with a communication focus?”