Category: Communication, Literacy & Oracy

A Boost for Creative Writing

BBC 500 Words

Douglas Adams said: “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” It’s one of my favourite quotes about writing. Another comes from Margaret Attwood: “A word after a word after a word is power.” Too many children find… Continue Reading “A Boost for Creative Writing”

World Book Day

World Book Day

The author Philip Pullman’s contribution to the recent fuss about rewriting Roald Dahl was to encourage young readers to try some of the many wonderful authors who are writing today, “who don’t get as much of a look-in because of the massive commercial gravity… Continue Reading “World Book Day”

Critical thinking and fake news

critical thinking

A recent report suggests that young people are increasingly relying on social media platforms rather than traditional news channels to keep up to date with the news. This is a worrying trend. How do we know that what we read is accurate or even… Continue Reading “Critical thinking and fake news”

New children’s laureate is thinking imaginatively

children's laureate

Joseph Coelho is taking over as children’s laureate from the author Cressida Cowell. Meanwhile, latest figures show that one in four ten-year-olds did not meet the expected standard in reading or writing last year, and the Times Education Commission report pointed out recently that… Continue Reading “New children’s laureate is thinking imaginatively”

Literacy and creativity go hand in hand

Literacy and creativity go hand in hand

The acclaimed author and former children’s laureate Michael Morpurgo says that teaching children to love writing is more important than learning about grammar. Morpurgo’s latest intervention – headlined Let’s not suck the joy out of writing in the print edition of the Guardian –… Continue Reading “Literacy and creativity go hand in hand”

Invest in music education

invest in music education

A leading classical musician is introducing an eye-catching initiative to widen access to music for children. The Chinese pianist, educator and philanthropist Lang Lang has announced plans to set up several ‘piano labs’ in schools, each with 20 to 30 keyboards. The first piano… Continue Reading “Invest in music education”

Encouraging a love of reading should be at the heart of every reading strategy

Encouraging a love of reading

Studying history helps us deal with conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation

Earlier this week the UN secretary-general António Guterres tweeted about the dangers of conspiracy theories, rumours and lies which are seriously hampering efforts to limit the remorseless spread of Covid around the world. The tweet included a graphic highlighting several questions that Guterres urged… Continue Reading “Studying history helps us deal with conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation”

Pudsey Bear can help young people learn about community and active citizenship

Welcome back, Pudsey Bear! This is the week of the BBC’s annual November Children in Need appeal. Though fundraising activities take place throughout the year, the main focus is the Friday night TV marathon, an all-trumpets-blaring mix of celebrity guest appearances, special Children in… Continue Reading “Pudsey Bear can help young people learn about community and active citizenship”

Well-stocked libraries for all are an investment in our future

“We believe that every child should have the opportunities offered by high-quality library services, be that public libraries or school libraries.” Who would possibly want to argue with that? And yet a new report published by the National Literacy Trust charity (from which the… Continue Reading “Well-stocked libraries for all are an investment in our future”