The Body: Links

This page provides links to an eclectic mix of thought-provoking and information-rich websites relevant to life-based learning.

Many of them are websites with teaching resources for immediate use. Others were particularly helpful when putting together this website.

All of them demonstrate an interest in children being involved in life-based learning.

Please note that a link here is not an endorsement of the concept of LBL.

Practical material

Guidance, support or background information

Children’s healthy body image – Advice for parents

Easy-to-follow information, advice and tips

Making your family active – Video

A video from the website Caring for Kids

Sports, health and exercise sciences research

Information on research projects undertaken at Brunel University.

Benefits of team sports for children

Online article: ‘8 benefits of team sports for kids’.

The benefits of strenuous exercise

Online article.

Increasing physical activity in schools and colleges

Guidance document from Public Health England.

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