Category: Physical World & Sustainable Living

Woodland Trust adds its voice to calls for environmental education reform

A first-of-its-kind report from the Woodland Trust on the state of the UK’s woods and trees is calling for key changes in environmental education, including its inclusion in “core teaching curricula”, the allocation of guaranteed time for outdoor learning and the provision of nature… Continue Reading “Woodland Trust adds its voice to calls for environmental education reform”

Being involved in positive change can boost children’s mental health

A bold and imaginative approach to boosting children’s post-lockdown mental health and wellbeing would include a coordinated effort — involving parents and schools, young people’s organisations like Scouts and Guides, and community-driven initiatives — to offer every young person encouragement and, more importantly, easy-to-access… Continue Reading “Being involved in positive change can boost children’s mental health”

The curriculum should reflect children’s interest in the environment and nature

A recent Forum for Life-Based Learning post stated that the forthcoming COP26 climate change conference of world leaders, to be held in Glasgow, presented an outstanding opportunity to press the reset button on nature education. The environment is an issue that children are passionate… Continue Reading “The curriculum should reflect children’s interest in the environment and nature”

Using COP26 to press the environmental education reset button

It might seem fanciful to imagine anything dislodging Covid-19 from the headlines at the moment, but in the coming months we are likely to be seeing, hearing and reading a great deal about the forthcoming COP26 climate change conference. As the UK is the… Continue Reading “Using COP26 to press the environmental education reset button”

Learning how to cut down on food waste promotes sustainable living

According to the United Nations, 17% of all food is just dumped — almost 1 billion tonnes every year. It also says that as much as a third of all food may never be eaten. Although the UK is one of the leading countries… Continue Reading “Learning how to cut down on food waste promotes sustainable living”

We need to transform our relationship with nature, says the UN

A major United Nations report has characterised humanity’s relationship with the planet as a war and called for a fundamental reset in order to secure a prosperous and sustainable future for us all. The report, called Making Peace with Nature, has been published by… Continue Reading “We need to transform our relationship with nature, says the UN”

Coral reef threat to 25 percent of all marine creatures

Our ravished oceans face another threat: irreversible damage to the world’s beautiful coral reefs. As reported by Aljazeera, half the corals on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have died over the past 25 years. Climate change is irreversibly destroying the World Heritage-listed underwater ecosystem. Coral… Continue Reading “Coral reef threat to 25 percent of all marine creatures”

Make it, use it, throw it: A throwaway mentality is destroying the planet

The world’s oceans — majestic, awe-inspiring and essential for the survival of life on the planet — are being destroyed by eternal plastic. ‘Every year, about 8 million tons of plastic waste escapes into the oceans from coastal nations. That is the equivalent of… Continue Reading “Make it, use it, throw it: A throwaway mentality is destroying the planet”

What is to be done with super-trawlers?

Ravaged oceans – A fishy tale: Preparing children for tomorrow’s world today ‘Sea monsters’, the size of football fields, trawl nets hundreds of metres long, catching everything in their path. These refrigerated, factory ships can catch and process up to 250 tons of fish… Continue Reading “What is to be done with super-trawlers?”

Life-based learning on the environment ahead of the times?

Last night David Attenborough, in the BBC documentary ‘Extinction: The Facts‘ tolled the bell on worldwide loss of habitat and biodiversity, threats to species and extinction of not just wild animals, but putting human existence itself at risk. Pulling no punches, Attenborough banged that… Continue Reading “Life-based learning on the environment ahead of the times?”