Category: Relationships

Children are never too young to learn about respect, tolerance and diversity

The England men’s football team booed by their own fans ahead of a major international tournament for ‘taking the knee’. A cricketer’s exceptional Test debut performance completely overshadowed by news of offensive tweets sent years ago. Two sports stories from this week. Both attracted… Continue Reading “Children are never too young to learn about respect, tolerance and diversity”

Children need to be able to safely enjoy and learn through play

Play has huge benefits for children and families. We have repeatedly highlighted on the Forum website its benefits for children’s intellectual, emotional, social and physical development. It helps maintain physical and mental health. It develops self-awareness and social interaction skills. It also promotes key… Continue Reading “Children need to be able to safely enjoy and learn through play”

Two young women taking a stand against public sexual harassment

Our Streets Now is a grassroots campaign set up by two young women “demanding the right of women and girls to feel and be safe in public space”. Its aim is to end public sexual harassment in the UK by making it a criminal… Continue Reading “Two young women taking a stand against public sexual harassment”

Bringing about cultural change needs new and radical thinking

The disappearance and death of Sarah Everard has propelled the issue of women’s safety to the top of the public agenda, and not just for the political class: ever since the shocking news first hit the headlines, huge numbers of women have been opening… Continue Reading “Bringing about cultural change needs new and radical thinking”

Effective learning needs a positive dynamic between teacher and pupils

Many of us have fond memories of comics like the Dandy and the Beano. Fans of the latter will doubtless have enjoyed reading about the mischievous antics of the Bash Street Kids and their fun and games with Teacher. The worldview was a static… Continue Reading “Effective learning needs a positive dynamic between teacher and pupils”

Showing children how we form strong bonds is vital for social vibrancy

The breakdown of relationships — in our personal and working lives — is a major cause of stress, anxiety and mental ill-health, all of which are on a seemingly inexorable rise. Modern living is driving people apart. Yet quality of relationships is at the… Continue Reading “Showing children how we form strong bonds is vital for social vibrancy”

Award-winning school scheme shows life-based learning in practice

A year ago the Guardian newspaper reported on a primary school in Essex that won a national dementia award for an “innovative intergenerational project”. The project is indeed an outstanding example of innovative learning. The project involves older adults who are experiencing isolation, depression… Continue Reading “Award-winning school scheme shows life-based learning in practice”

Bold thinking to tackle the blight of relationship breakdown

It is an inescapable fact that relationship breakdown has terrible, life-changing consequences — not least on children, far too many of whom are caught up in, or witness to, child and domestic violence, sexual violence, partnership breakup, family breakdown and the fallout from workplace… Continue Reading “Bold thinking to tackle the blight of relationship breakdown”

What is our response to the damaging effects of social networking?

The Social Dilemma docu-drama, available on Netflix, is a must-watch for parents and teachers — and a wake-up call for us all. The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American “documentary-drama hybrid” which explores the rise of social media and the phenomenon of social networking.… Continue Reading “What is our response to the damaging effects of social networking?”

It’s important for children to learn about non-verbal communication

The ability to communicate non-verbally is a key ingredient in strong relationships. It makes sense, therefore, that — from a young age — children should be learning all about what is involved in communicating effectively with others, non-verbally as well as verbally. Non-verbal communication… Continue Reading “It’s important for children to learn about non-verbal communication”