Category: Community, Society & Nation

Commonwealth Games and legacy

Commonwealth Games legacy

The Commonwealth Games ended on Monday, just a week or so after the women’s football Euro 2022 tournament. Both events served up a feast of high-quality sporting entertainment and were outstanding adverts for popular participation, inclusion and diversity. But the Commonwealth Games, in particular,… Continue Reading “Commonwealth Games and legacy”

School and community

Communities are central to modern life, and schools are central to communities. Theirs is a symbiotic bond. The recent Times Education Commission report has much to say about how schools and communities can and should work more closely. Community is at the heart of… Continue Reading “School and community”

Promoting community education

community education

A lockdown opinion poll found that 73% of people would like society to be more connected in the future; they wanted “a new, country-wide moment that celebrates communities and what we have in common.” Some of that spirit of community was shown during the… Continue Reading “Promoting community education”

Building stronger communities

Something like 17 million people in the UK took an active part in the recent Platinum Jubilee celebrations, according to the Together coalition, the organisation behind the Thank You Day campaign, who say their aim is “to build kinder, closer and more connected communities… Continue Reading “Building stronger communities”

Opportunities to swim

Opportunities to swim

Recently published figures on life expectancy, healthy life expectancy and adult activity levels reveal stark and shocking inequalities across the nation. We have been blogging recently about the need to rethink how we tackle obesity. And however unwelcome the thought is at a time… Continue Reading “Opportunities to swim”

Schools need more support to eliminate plastics use, say campaigners

elimination of single use plastic

Last year we blogged about two sisters who set up Kids Against Plastic, a campaign aiming to bring together people determined to break “plastic habits”, take practical action and lobby for change. Their campaign is still very much alive: they say that more than… Continue Reading “Schools need more support to eliminate plastics use, say campaigners”

Diana Award charity’s anti-bullying work promotes community engagement

Anti Bullying Work by Diana Award Promotes Community Engagement

A major part of the Diana Award’s work is around anti-bullying. It has trained an extensive network of young people to act as anti-bullying ambassadors in UK schools. It has also made four badges available for the students to work towards: one of them… Continue Reading “Diana Award charity’s anti-bullying work promotes community engagement”

Vibrant communities enrich us all and need to be strengthened

Everyone in the UK is invited to a nationwide party in June. It is intended, say organisers, as both a celebration of the Queen’s platinum jubilee and an opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to helping the country through the… Continue Reading “Vibrant communities enrich us all and need to be strengthened”

A ‘grow our own’ food revolution could have huge educational and other benefits

benefits of growing your own food

Newly published research indicates that Britain has the potential to massively increase the amount of homegrown fruit and veg by making better use of overlooked and neglected space in towns and cities. We currently import a large proportion of our food, at considerable environmental… Continue Reading “A ‘grow our own’ food revolution could have huge educational and other benefits”

Studying history helps us deal with conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation

Earlier this week the UN secretary-general António Guterres tweeted about the dangers of conspiracy theories, rumours and lies which are seriously hampering efforts to limit the remorseless spread of Covid around the world. The tweet included a graphic highlighting several questions that Guterres urged… Continue Reading “Studying history helps us deal with conspiracy theories, lies and disinformation”