Carl Garner

About Carl

Carl is an educational psychologist and entrepreneur.

He is the creator of the Emotional Intelligence Mapping Tool and is an advocate for emotional intelligence to be prioritised in the education of children.

As an educational psychologist, it is clear that we need to revolutionise the way we educate our children. I say revolution; as a reform would just tinker with what we already have. We need to move with technology and start supporting the development of learning powers and creative thinking in our children. Teaching to the test just conditions the short-term memory and what we need to focus on is developing multiple intelligences and not just the IQ.

Carl Garner

He is looking for schools to adopt the children’s book series and EQ courses that he wrote to enhance accelerated learning —

Carl’s blog address:

Links with LBL

Carl’s work resonates with LBL in his desire for a complete change in the approach to educating children.

His work particularly ties in with the LBL Emotions theme which puts the development of emotional intelligence on a par with children’s physical and cognitive development, their development of positive relationships with others and their learning to live collaboratively with others in sustainable ways.

We blog regularly on the topic of new thinking and curriculum reform.

Get in touch with Carl

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